Blog FG

- Skin, I don’t like drinking water, sorry!

2020-08-25 00:20
- Skin, I don’t like drinking water, sorry! But instead, I can treat you to a new cream, some eco products or supplements. Sounds like a good deal?
- You amaze me…
- What?
- So you just had these raspberries. How am I supposted to benefit from it if it sits in your tummy right now?
- Skin! Thats obvious! Blood is goig to deliver it to you soon!
- And what do you think blood is made of?
- …?
- Water! Whole 98%!
- Oh.
- Now imagine a cell. It waits for a food, water and oxygen delivery from blood vessels. But there is not much delivered. The service is poor. What do you reckon cell will look like? Will it be pretty, supple, healthy? Will it have lots of energy?
- No.
- You are made of these cells!
- Are you saying that my tiredness and lack of energy is due to the lack of water? There’s no way water influences so much!
- Okay so you tried to bring that bouquet of limp tulips back to life with water yesterday but your body should be fine with just some goji berries and spirulina?
- …
- Okay let’s go back to the poor cell. It is now surrounded by all sorts of waste and nasties.
- Why?
- Who do you think gets rid of all of the toxins and waste in the body? Avocado?
- Okay, I get it.
- No, no, no, I’m just starting! Now remember your joints were cracking all the time recently. You got all sorts of supplements and ointments, made an appointment with a physio and an osteopath… but did you try drinking more water?
- Would that help?
- Well.. does the fact that cartilages by ~ 80% consist of water mean anything to you? Or how about your hormones?
- My last blood tests showed that…
- I know dear.
- Is that to do with the lack of water too?
- What do you think? You’re not a cactus. You have heart, liver, lungs, the whole body that works non-stop. Every second your body experiences about a billion different processes. It all needs water. All these processes produce waste. We can’t function in a constant credit state. You need to help us with the basics - we need water, not your fresh manicure or hair cut.
- I get it now, really! It was enough to imagine the cells being covered in all sorts of nasties because I don’t drink enough water. Ew…