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Botox. Sausage poison

2020-08-24 01:22
- Ooh, looking at the sausage poison prices again?
- What are you on about, Skin? I’m just checking if anyone does botox near us as I’ve been thinking about it for a while. What’s that got to do with sausages?
- In the 19th century a poisoning occurred from a sausage. Turns out that it was contaminated by a bacteria that was releasing a toxin. They called it botulinum toxin or, simply saying, ‘sausage toxin’ (in latin, botulus - sausage).
- So this means that botox is a poison?!
- It’s actually the strongest one! Once in the body, the toxin can block nerves controlling the respiratory system or heart, resulting in death. It was initially used as a biological weapon.
- Ugh, so how come it’s now used in cosmetology?
- It started with ophthalmology. Turns out that applying the purified and diluted toxin to a hyperactive muscle leads to complete relaxation. It was tested on volunteers suffering from strabismus (eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object) and blepharospasm (involuntary blinking).
- I think I’m starting to understand...
- In 1989 a patient undergoing treatment for blepharospasm revealed to her doctor that the wrinkles on the bridge of her nose had smoothed out. This is what started it all.
- Oh wow!
- So yeah, it’s still a deadly toxin but it’s used in very small doses. However, it can still cause plenty of side effects.
- What side effects? I’ve never heard of any.
- In most cases it’s a droopy eyelid. It can also cause a crooked smile, excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing and raspy voice. Can you imagine? The full list is on the Botox website.
- A whole list?
- Indeed. But it can also be used to treat excessive perspiration and even migraines.
- Oh wow, never realised how multifaceted the sausage poison was!