- Skin, what colour tape would you like? Pink or green? - What tape? - The one we stick on the face. Remember the two girls on the tube talking about it? - Ahah, - the skin laughed. - Why are you laughing? - Why do you need tape? - Emm.. to get rid of the forehead wrinkles? Look younger? - Do you think it is what your forehead really needs? - Well… the other day forehead muscle asked me to use it only in particularly surprising or emotional situations, not all the time. So that it does not have to work while I am reading, have a conversation, write reports or deal with everyday problems. - See, you remember! So why do you need tape? - To… so I can… - Yes? - I don’t know. Everyone is talking about it and I fell for the hype. - Alina, tape will not save you from wrinkles. If you stick it on and keep making faces, what do you think will happen? - Nothing… - Exactly! But there is something the tape can help with. - What’s that? - Do you remember that it was pretty challenging to get rid of the frowning habit or even notice you are doing it? - Yeah... - So if you attached a tape to your forehead, it would help you to "catch" every contraction. It could make you a bit more aware of your habits. - So it does not fix the actual wrinkles, it just helps to get rid of the habit, right? - Indeed. - But why do some people say that they have smoother faces after tape applications? - Well it’s not exactly comfortable to scrunch your face up with the tape on. This leads to fewer muscle contractions and a more relaxed forehead. - Aha! So what difference does the colour of the tape make? - None at all, but I think lilac would suit us best.